
company profile

company profile yt


Name : Azahra Aulia Nissa Class : 2A publishing  NIM : 2270402012


Name : Azahra Aulia Nissa  NIM : 2270402012 Class : 2A Penerbitan  BUSINESS PROPOSAL Azahra Aulia Nissa  Melysa Putri Angraieni CHAPTER I  — Background   Bumantara Publishing Bumantara publishing is a company engaged in the book making industry. Bumantara publishing was established in 2018 but has only been successfully operating since 2019. Because it needs the right maturity in processing a creative industry company. In this company, we have used advanced technology that does not use manual technology, so it does not take too long to process. Even though we have used technology, we still open opportunities for people who want to work in our company, we still open job vacancies for those who are interested in this job.   CHAPTER II  — Vission and Mission Bumantara Publishing - VISSION • To make Indonesia advanced with the books we publish - MISSION • Realizing an advanced company in the field of bookkeeping • Make a company that can bring the future of Indonesian society to be be


Name : Azahra Aulia Nissa NIM : 2270402012 CLASS : 2A Publishing BUSINESS PROPOSAL   Writter:  Azahra Aulia Nissa  Melysa Putri Angraieni Editor:  Gustiawan Mikhail Al Azhar Syuhada  Supervising Author: Dr. Zalzulifa. M.Pd   FOREWORD In the name of Allah SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we offer praise and thanksgiving for His presence, who has bestowed His mercy, guidance and inayah on us, so that we can complete our proposal regarding book publication, and can explain our company. We have compiled this proposal optimally and received assistance from various parties so that we can expedite the making of this proposal. For this reason, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to the development of this proposal. Apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings both in terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, we accept all suggestions and criticisms from readers with open arms so that we can improv

uts communication for English

Kementerian Riset Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDIA KEATIF PROGRAM STUDI PENERBITAN   UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER (UTS) GENAP  TAHUN AKADEMIK 2022/2023 Mata Kuliah Dosen Bobot Kredit Sifat Ujian : English for Communication Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd. 3 SKS Open References Tingkat/ Semester/Kelas : 2A   : Hari/Tanggal Waktu Tahun Akademik :           : : 11 April 2023 08.00 – 09.30 WIB 2022/2023                       Name : Azahra Aulia Nissa Study Program : Publishing Project Title : Book Publishing/Bumantara publishing (company) Mid-Term Test: 1. Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning  (PBLL)         > Project-based learning is a teaching method in which students acquire knowledge and skills by working over an extended period of time to investigate and respond to authentic, interesting and complex questions, problems or challenges. 2. How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example >

it's me

    Hello everyone! 👋🏻 First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Azahra Aulia Nissa , usually called Zahra . I was born in Jakarta 1 May 2005 , I live in Bekasi . I come from senior high school 1 tambun Utara, Bekasi district . My hobbies are watching, reading and writing . the reason I entered publishing was because I wanted to develop the talent that I had before, and deepen my talent.           I will read my resume that I have learned last semester, the first is about capital letters, punctuation, such as the use of capital letters in names of people, names of places, names of professions, and the use of punctuation marks such as periods, commas, question marks, and others. Next is about the parts of speech such as prepositions, verbs, adjectives, interjections, article, pronouns, nouns, conjunctions, and adverbs. Finally, learn about writing paragraphs, such as narration, description, exposition and persuasion. thank u for attention, pay payy!! 🤍💐